Pittsburgh Area Quilt Services
The Pittsburgh Modern Quilt Guild is not affiliated with these services. We provide information as submitted by our members, and it may not be up to date; for more information, please contact these companies directly.
Quilt Charities
Project Linus https://www.projectlinuspgh.org/ provides new, handmade blankets, quilts and afghans to children who are ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. They collect quilts from newborn to teenager. Quilts can be dropped off in a number of locations, including some Joann stores.
Longarm Rental
Monroeville Pubic Library’s Maker Space has a longarm and an embroidery machine for rental. There is a class that is required before you can rent the machines, check the Event Calendar for more information.
Sewing Original Stitches (Midland) offers longarm rentals. There is a class you are required to take before you can rent it.
Ta Da Quilting Studio (Erie) offers longarm rentals.
Quilt Stores
Firecracker Fabrics: https://firecrackerfabrics.com
Gloria Horn Sewing Studio: https://gloriahorn.commentsold.com/
Quilter’s Corner: https://quilterscorner-pa.com
The Quilting Needle: https://thequiltingneedle.com
Sewing Original Stitches: https://www.sewingoriginalstitches.com/
Longarm Services
Pam Mildren of www.pamslongarmquilting.com. We have members who have used her services and had great experiences. She does exclusively edge-to-edge, using a computer, and is an affordable option to get a top completed. She’s out of Butler, and she also does local deliveries and pick ups.